The truth about Tuesday

I like Tuesday.  It has many virtues.  Firstly and most importantly it is not Monday. Some weeks Tuesday is Monday part II, but even when that is true it is in fact NOT MONDAY, which in my mind gives torturous Tuesdays some redeeming value.   We have one day down, 25% of my work week is done.  (I w0rk four-ten hours days per week.)  Tuesday is one of two days of the week that shares the same first letter as another day.  So that makes it trippy.  I mean really who does not love the letter T–its tantilizingly terrific.   Tuesday is my dear friend Tami’s weekly date with Mark Harmon, which always makes her happy, and our shared office a happier slice of paradise than it usually is.  I never feel overwhelmed on Tuesday, I have the rest of the week to get the things I am procratinating over done.  The other T day is my panic day, but let us be frank, if I have not gotten it done by Thursday I will most likely put it off till next week.  On Thursday I am too excited about the weekend to concentrate on anything, and am usually busy filling my quota of cyber-loafing.  But I digress, we are here trumpeting the treats of Tuesday.  On Tuesday I am not too tired.  I have only worked one day and have sufficient energy for the day, Wednesday is a draw, and on Thursday I drag.  When I lived in Cali it was Taco Tuesday thanks to 39 cent tacos at Del Taco and their uber yummy Del Scorcho Sauce.  When the kids left home in was naked Taco Tuesday, but just let me warn you not to get Del Scorcho sauce on your netheryahoo—–it stings something awful.  So yes it is Tuesday, I like Tuesday, its terrific.



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